Team Brostophalous

"Troncano" December 2014

Troncano is a 3D platformer where the player is able to push and pull themselves off of pieces of the environment to move around. Inside the volcano, players must navigate between platforms trying to collect gems and avoid falling into the lava.

"Built in" Unreal Engine 4 & Blueprints Visual Scripting

Jackie Cao Producer
Reilly Gray Artist
Jon Kenkel Lead Engineer
Earl Kirkland Technical Artist
Saurabh Kulkarni Engineer
Zach Lorenzen Engineer
Karthik Narayan Engineer
Drew Pariser Producer
Aditya Rajani Artist
Aqeel Tapia Engineer
Erik Willis Producer

"No Gamer Left Behind" November 2014

Control the video game community--all of the community--as you explore this dangerous platformer. Your goal: get as many community members to the end as you can, and maintain gender parity as you do so.

Prompted by PC Gamer's report that women now make up over 50% of pc gamers across all genres, No Gamer Left Behind is a fun game with the serious purpose of spreading this exciting news.

"Built in" Unity 2D & C#

Blake Harrison Producer and Level Designer
Jon Kenkel Lead Engineer
Erica Larson Technical Artist
Zach Lorenzen Engineer
Katherine Marsh Artist
Erik Willis Engineer
Download for Windows
No Gamer Left Behind Screenshot Team Ostrich

Dias Screenshot Undergrad Dias Team

"Dias" May 2014

Dias is a fully 3D, multiplayer, competitive platformer. Players are split into teams, and they play in an arena composed of platforms. Each team is attempting to knock the opposing players off all the platforms and beyond the play area. Players are be able to customize how they play based on certain movement abilities and attack abilties.

"Built in" Unity 3D & C#

Jon Kenkel Engineer
Zach Lorenzen Engineer
Dr. Jason Shepherd Faculty Advisor
Blog Archive Download for Windows

"Competitive Gaming and Speed" May 2012

In this study I collected data from over two thousand Starcraft players on how fast they play, their age, and other factors that relate to their gameplay. I used this data to find a correlation between player’s speed and their age, in-game army choice, and in-game league.

Zach Lorenzen Researcher
Professor Tim McDaniel Faculty Advisor
Download Final Report
APM vs Age in Starcraft 2

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Hello World! I'm Zach Lorenzen, currently looking for work.

Here are some of my favorite games:

Here are some of my favorite books: